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- /*
- VideoToolboxMATLAB.c
- NOTE: you must have the file "cmex.h" in order to pre-compile this file.
- That file is distributed by MathWorks as part of MATLAB.
- Use this file to ask THINK C to precompile the VideoToolbox.h header with the
- MATLAB option enabled to create "VideoToolboxMATLAB.pre". (To create plain old
- VideoToolbox.pre, use VideoToolbox.c instead of this file.) Enabling the MATLAB
- option is only useful if you're creating MATLAB code resources, i.e. subroutines
- for the MATLAB program.
- The MATLAB-specific stuff is available from David Brainard:
- ftp://lifesci.lscf.ucsb.edu/pub/mac/brainard/UCSBToolboxes.sea.hqx.
- While you have this file open, select Precompile from THINK C’s Source menu.
- Save the result as “VideoToolboxMATLAB.pre” in the VideoToolboxSources folder or in
- your project's folder (or any subfolder within it). For each suitable project,
- type the line
- #include "VideoToolboxMATLAB.pre"
- into the Edit:Options:THINK C:Prefix window.
- VideoToolboxMATLAB.pre is only appropriate for THINK C projects that are used to
- build external code resources, i.e. "MEX" subroutines, for MATLAB. No one has
- yet tried using Metrowerks CodeWarrior C to build MEX stuff. It probably will
- take quite a bit of tweaking before it works correctly.
- Precompilation ignores the contents of the THINK C Prefix window.
- Unfortunately THINK C doesn't check whether a precompiled header is out of date.
- If you update any of the THINK C, Standard C, or VideoToolbox.h headers, then you
- should recreate the precompiled header. Also, the precompiled header will
- reflect the compiler and language settings in effect at the time of
- precompilation (e.g. size of int and double), so if you have different projects
- with different settings then you may need various versions of the precompiled
- header. I don’t know which compiler settings matter; the THINK C manual doesn’t
- say. If in doubt, recompile the header.
- You can add this file to your project. It won't generate any code or affect your
- project in any way. It merely keeps this file handy.
- 9/15/93 dgp Wrote it, based on VideoToolbox.c.
- */
- #ifndef MATLAB
- #define MATLAB 1
- #endif
- #include "VideoToolbox.h"